XL Project – Extended Learning for Higher Education teachers and trainers.
How to best organize and manage a blended course? What strategies can teachers adopt to turn hybrid lessons from a challenge into an opportunity to seize? The Erasmus+ #XLproject aims to answer these questions. Each partner involved experiments with the SmartLearningDesign method in their courses and contributes to the creation of a #handbook useful for designing #MixedPaths for the partner organizations involved.
Here is the working group that gathered in Elche from October 5th to 7th, 2022, where they conducted a comparative analysis of the best European practices in the field of extended learning:
#POLIMI – METID Politecnico di Milano
#IFOA – Institute for Business Operators Training
#UMH – Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche
#BIASC – Belgian IT Academy Support Center
#MDU – Mälardalens University
#UPPA – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
#TUDublin – Technological University Dublin